University of Virginia Ombuds Feedback

Upon completion, click Submit at the bottom of the form. 

If completing the form on paper, please return the completed questionnaire to the University Ombuds Office.
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: 315 Old Ivy Way, Suite 203, P.O. Box 400219, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Please click here to download the PDF version of the questionnaire. 

Thank you for your input. We value your opinion.


Please help us evaluate the effectiveness of the University of Virginia’s Ombuds office. For each question, check the
response that best describes your thoughts and feelings. Answer honestly knowing that your input is intended to help
improve the program. Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire.

The following questions concern your experience during your consultation with the University Ombuds. Please tell
us how satisfied you are:

1. I am satisfied with the overall consultation experience.
2. I am satisfied with the overall length of time I was given during my consultation(s) to talk about the issues that I felt were important.
3. I am satisfied that my concerns were heard and understood by the University Ombuds
4. I am satisfied with the options and/or informal resources that were provided to me for resolving my concerns.
5. I am satisfied with the overall confidentiality of the consultation process.